I love dishes. I could truly use a different set of dishes every day. I find myself always looking for little pieces to add to collections that I love. For years I have collected
pink Depression glass. My mom has a extensive collection of
green Depression glass in the apple blossom pattern. Personally, I love to mix-and-match all the
pink patterns. Loving
green as I do though, I would like to start adding a couple of
green pieces here and there. However, I
really love
green jadeite. (There is that word love again....I think I need to get the Thesaurus out!!) I am very proud of the few pieces I have collected. All bowls so far....cereal, mixing and batter.
Love them!! And to all of that, add my fondness of transferware....both brown and green. These are just little ongoing collections that I like to mix in with my regular dishes. I really do use my things. I'm not one to just collect and gaze upon them. Why buy it if you're not going to use it....I say. That theory works for me, at least.
I believe I got this adoration of dishes honestly. My mother has quite a collection herself. Books and dishes..two loves I have gotten from her. OH....
and shoes!! (Don't get me started on those lovelies.)
So to join in with
Common Ground's Vintage Inspiration Friday, I proudly introduce to you (in no apparent order) just a few of my growing collections of dishes.
My lovely jadeite. It is an expensive collection
to start, so I only get a piece or two a year, it seems.
And the little green glass juice pitcher is a favorite
of mine. I don't know if it is truly Depression
glass, but it matters not to me. |
Can you believe how beautiful this brown
transferware pitcher is? My mother gave it to me
for Christmas this year. It is safe and sound
living on my chest of drawers in my room. |
Brown transferware plates....also a gift from
my mother. Beautiful! |
I've shared this bargain green transferware platter
in a previous post. Love it so much, it had to
be repeated. |
A smattering of my pink Depression glass of
random patterns. |
And some more.....just a sampling.
I use these pieces extensively. |
For years I admired this pattern at
Williams-Sonoma. Finally, one year it
went on clearance. I bought this lovely veggie dish,
four dinner plates, and four salad plates.
Little did I know that it was on clearance because
they were dropping the pattern. Bummer!
No worries though....I'll just mix it with other
patterns as I collect them. I like that look better anyway. |
So yes....it kind of looks like I have collectoritis. Where to put it all in this little cottage? Much of it is stored in this lovely vintage piece.
I love, love, love this pantry!!
Thank you, Debra, for hosting your 21st Vintage Inspiration Friday. I'm so happy to play along.
I send my best wishes to all for a great upcoming weekend. There is an art show at City Place this weekend that I want to take in, a yoga day at the ampitheatre that I'd like to walk through, an appointment with a client and the tile/granite installer to start going over plans for her new bathroom (much more on that very soon....what an awesome project I am working on!), and I'm sure my family would like to see me stay home and do some laundry! Maybe I can morph into Wonder Woman and get to do it all!