Monday, January 31, 2011

Stokes Addition

I have mentioned friend-turned client, Susan Stokes, to you before.  And I have made little mentions here and there of a project I am working on.  This weekend, I went to her house to capture the work in progress.  Susan is newly married (congratulations!!) and an awesome new master suite is being added to her already beautiful home.

Here is where we are right now.

The plumbing is in, slab poured, and the walls are up.
Wow....this guy works fast.
And yes...that is really what the sky looked like this past
weekend here.  It was truly a gorgeous.

It might not look like much now, but soon
this will be a swoon-worthy, spa-like
master bathroom.  Sorry, Shelby....your
doggy door is no longer!

I believe this is going to be the best part....
not counting the bathroom and big walk-in
closet/dressing room...
This left corner will be a beautiful sitting room
off the bedroom with big picture windows
and a cupola-styled roof.
We'll have to add Plantation shutters.
You'll see why in just a sec.

Pool to the left.
We demo'd the back a while ago.
A space I like to call The Lanai.
A new summer kitchen/grill/bar area
is part of the addition plan.
Even a water feature is being discussed.

Here is the real water feature, however,
and the reason shutters are needed.
Here is Susan and Robert's beautiful view.

Some pictures of my previous work
inside Susan's home.
This is the main room of the house....
living, kitchen, dining room in one.

This used to be a two-level, angled island.
We found the most incredible granite for the
island and all the counters.  It looks and
feels like petrified wood.  I've never seen anything
like it before or since. Luckily, we
nabbed the last two slabs for the summer kitchen.
The single height island opened the space beautifully.

We also removed a knee wall that was at
the entrance.  Opening the space even more.

Custom shower curtains, vanity, sink, etc.,
in the guest bathroom.

 These last few pictures don't mean a thing unless you can catch a glimpse of BEFORE....

There's that knee wall.  OUTTA HERE!

Some A/C issues got the ball rolling.
Check out the tile backsplash.

Here you can see the two-level island.
End-to-end cabinets give her so much
more storage on the new island.
So I will continue to share pictures of how the addition is progressing.  I can only say that the bathroom is going to be so incredibly awesome.  We are waiting for the tile (and I use the term lightly....would I really call it tile??  I'm not sure.) to arrive from Australia!! 

I also worked on a couple of other little projects at home this past weekend that I can't wait to share with you.  They need a little tweaking before their reveal!!  More to follow.....

Friday, January 28, 2011

Late to the Party!

I hope I'm not too late!  This day has truly gotten away from me. I knew if I didn't stop everything right now and get this post out, it would not happen today.  I've been really enjoying linking up to Debra's Common Ground Vintage Inspiration Friday.  I love seeing everyone's inspiration and have met many new friends as a result.  And this evening I'm experiencing some computer....well, let's call them "challenges" as I keep losing my connection.  So really....I hope I'm not too late.....

I found this old secretary top a few years ago and initally planned to sell it.  Uhhhh...that won't be happening now.  (Tell me I'm not the only one who does this!!) It is truly one of my favorite pieces.  I am pleased to finally have found a place where I can really enjoy it.  When we enclosed our back porch last summer and made it the sunroom, the perfect spot opened up.  I don't know how old it is, but I do know that it is old.  She came complete with this old chippy painted iron fish tank stand (that I really should spray with a clear coat).  I think they make a perfect match.

Here she her own special corner.
I love the leaded glass windows as a

There are a few more things stuffed
into this basket by now.

It is home to my art supplies.
That sound funny to me.
I have never thought of myself as someone
who has art supplies, but
here they are, nonetheless.

This is what I found once I started sanding.
It was just what I had wanted to add so I did nothing
but a little more cleaning and sanding.
I love it!

This is truly my favorite spot in the house.
I've shared these pics in an old post, but they spoke to me again today as vintage inspiration.  My sunroom has really evolved with the addition of a small vintage kitchen work table as my little desk and lots more "art supplies."  I'm thinking of adding it to the new Gypsy Brocante porch party.  Have you visited Jill before?  Love her style so much!  I so wish I could get away with wearing her style, which is so my style as well, every day.  How would the women in their business suits at my work react to that????  I have been told that I have a "style" before.  I say, "Really?"  Hmmmm....interesting.  I'll have to ponder that some more.

Many wonderful weekend wishes, my dear bloggy friends!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cute Kitty

My new bloggy pal, Jane, from Flora Doora has introduced me to a new linky party:  Cute Kitty Thursday hosted by LS Art - DesignI LIKE IT!  AND.....I just happen to have one of those....a cute kitty.  Do you have a cute kitty too??

Here is my Gracie...  Her full name is Gracie Allen Bass.  A play on the late star Gracie Allen (who my dad used to say I reminded him a playful manner) and my husband's middle name Allen, and how when he was young and in trouble his mom called out, "Michael Allen Bass!!!"  It just seemed to work for my Gracie kitty too.

She loves to sit on top of the vine covered chicken coop.  Here the door was open and she ventured out to have a look-see.


And while on the subject of Gracie....or just plain Grace....I read these words last night.  Wow...

"Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there is a void to receive it, and it is grace itself which makes this void."  ~Simone Weil

I had to read it several times to really grasp the meaning.  Powerful...  I would love to hear your thoughts on this quote.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just a Little White Today...

This post officially marks 75 posts for A Bird in Hand.  It amazes me that I have felt the need to share thoughts/experiences/ideas 75 times! 

Today, I just have a couple of pictures to share for Faded Charm's White Wednesday!  Okay...I have to admit that this white stuff is starting to grow on me!!  I'm finding it very peaceful.  I may even try a room of it one day if the right home and room presents itself.  That is MAJOR for this color-loving girl to admit!!  I am especially digging the idea of a white painted floor.  You must check out the gorgeous kitchen at Pink Satin Sashes.  The handmade cabinets....the white painted floor....really beautiful.

I digress (as I often do).....

From one of my favorite blogs...Blomsterverkstad.
Do you see that painted floor....and the
ceiling?  I like the dash of color here and there,
like the green bench in the foreground.

Another picture from the same website.
Minna has such incredible style.
How many of you, like me, long to fly to
Sweden to take some of her classes?
My bucket list is getting very long!
I had hoped to include pictures of my vintage secretary turned art supply storage, but it appears the pictures are in my home computer.  I think I'll save them for Vintage Inspiration Friday instead.

Many wonderful Wednesday wishes to you!! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Searching for a Blog

Like most of you out there in bloggy-land, I often go from blog-to-blog, clicking on new blogs on others' blog rolls.  You know how we can all get so carried away that we don't even remember where we started!

Well.....I am longing to find one that I stumbled upon a few times and for some reason, did not "follow" or even make it a favorite.  I know not her name, but I do know her subject.  This lady (maybe even a husband/wife team) plants beautiful plants in the most unexpected containers.....hats, shoes, dishes, pianos (I know!), other musical instruments, etc.  I admired her creativity as I had done a few myself and was so inspired to see her incredible work as well.  She went so far beyond what I even imagined.

Does anyone out there know what blog I might be describing??? 

These are pictures of the booth I did a few years back.  It was a great hit at this particular show.  I always incorporate plants as I think they soften edges and bring peace to a room.  They made me feel like this little booth was "me." 

I was really pleased with the overall affect.
I feel it was unique compared to my neighbors.

One can't have a garden gate without a beautiful vine
to give it a hug!!  I put plants in the barrel too.
That architectural element in the back was the first
piece that I had ever painted and sold! herb resides in a French glass canister.
This chest now lives in a cabin in the Carolina's.
The door to the right is an old screen door that I painted and
put a mirror behind.  It lives at my friend, Dotty's, house.

Pineapple mint planted in an old oil can.
I really like that one!
Charms hanging from faux apple blossom
branches from Cathy Penton Designs.
 I also had plants in vintage plant stands too.  For the back-drop of my booth, I copied pictures onto pages of old books (or left them plain), punched holes in the tops and bottoms of the pages (I had to use clear hole reinforcers as some of the papers were so fragile), tied them together with string, then hung them from the frame my husband made me from pipe.  I was very pleased with the result.  I really did not want to see my neighbors and wanted clear deliniation of my own space.  The air conditioning blew them around gently. I was surprised how many people asked about it....even had a couple of offers/inquiries to see if it was for sale.  It was not.  I gladly shared my "how-to" though.

Anyway....back to the blog search.  If you have any ideas as to whom I am referring....please let me know!!  Many thanks to you all.

P.S.  I have this verse typed on a little piece of paper at my desk here at work.  It especially good for me and where I am today:  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path."  Provers 3:5-6 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dish Love

I love dishes.  I could truly use a different set of dishes every day.  I find myself always looking for little pieces to add to collections that I love.  For years I have collected pink Depression glass.  My mom has a extensive collection of green Depression glass in the apple blossom pattern.  Personally, I love to mix-and-match all the pink patterns.  Loving green as I do though, I would like to start adding a couple of green pieces here and there.  However, I really love green jadeite. (There is that word love again....I think I need to get the Thesaurus out!!) I am very proud of the few pieces I have collected.  All bowls so far....cereal, mixing and batter.  Love them!!  And to all of that, add my fondness of transferware....both brown and green.  These are just little ongoing collections that I like to mix in with my regular dishes.  I really do use my things.  I'm not one to just collect and gaze upon them.  Why buy it if you're not going to use it....I say.  That theory works for me, at least. 

I believe I got this adoration of dishes honestly.  My mother has quite a collection herself.  Books and dishes..two loves I have gotten from her.  OH....and shoes!!  (Don't get me started on those lovelies.)

So to join in with Common Ground's Vintage Inspiration Friday, I proudly introduce to you (in no apparent order) just a few of my growing collections of dishes.

My lovely jadeite.  It is an expensive collection
to start, so I only get a piece or two a year, it seems.
And the little green glass juice pitcher is a favorite
of mine.  I don't know if it is truly Depression
glass, but it matters not to me.

Can you believe how beautiful this brown
transferware pitcher is?  My mother gave it to me
for Christmas this year.  It is safe and sound
living on my chest of drawers in my room.

Brown transferware plates....also a gift from
my mother.  Beautiful!

I've shared this bargain green transferware platter
in a previous post.  Love it so much, it had to
be repeated.
A smattering of my pink Depression glass of
random patterns.

And some more.....just a sampling.
I use these pieces extensively.

For years I admired this pattern at
Williams-Sonoma.  Finally, one year it
went on clearance.  I bought this lovely veggie dish,
four dinner plates, and four salad plates.
Little did I know that it was on clearance because
they were dropping the pattern.  Bummer!
No worries though....I'll just mix it with other
patterns as I collect them.  I like that look better anyway.

So kind of looks like I have collectoritis.  Where to put it all in this little cottage?  Much of it is stored in this lovely vintage piece. 
I love, love, love this pantry!!

Thank you, Debra, for hosting your 21st Vintage Inspiration Friday.  I'm so happy to play along.

I send my best wishes to all for a great upcoming weekend.  There is an art show at City Place this weekend that I want to take in, a yoga day at the ampitheatre that I'd like to walk through, an appointment with a client and the tile/granite installer to start going over plans for her new bathroom (much more on that very soon....what an awesome project I am working on!), and I'm sure my family would like to see me stay home and do some laundry!  Maybe I can morph into Wonder Woman and get to do it all!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy White Wednesday!

Even though there is no snow to be found down here in South Florida, we have been covered with a blanket of hot, sticky, humid fog for three days now.  Where did our pleasant temperatures go?  Word has it that it will burn off later to make way for 80 degree temperatures.  Seriously??  So I guess I could have taken a picture of the scenery today to play along with Faded Charm Cottage's White Wednesday.  Instead, though, I chose these pictures to share.

Lovely entry.  The painted floor is gorgeous.

This is a beautiful white kitchen, but to me,
the rustic pantry and boards on the island
make it.

I'm so in love with white slipcovered furniture.
I could grab a book and blanket and spend the
day in this chair by the window.  Ahhhhh!

The best bathroom I've seen in a while!
It's where you'll find me after I leave the chair
by the window.  Sounds like a lazy day, doesn't it?
I could use one of those, truth be told.
The barn wood ceiling and tub surround are perfect!
(from milk&honeyhome)

I have been enjoying the music from Jennifer Rizzo's blog today.  Truly.  While browsing my blog roll this morning, her music popped up. I minimized the screen and am just listening to her playlist.  It is wonderful.  My favorite is Sarah McLachlan's Blackbird.  Thank you, Jennifer, for serenading me this morning!! I'm seeing raindrops on my office window.  I guess the fog is seeping!  No worries.  My plants and yard are most happy again today, so I will be too.

Enjoy a beautiful Wednesday, no matter what you see from your window.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Special Delivery....The Reveal!

Sorry to keep you waiting.....  Here is my beautiful special delivery.

Oh, how I love a beautifully made tag!

My special delivery came with
special instructions.  Remove the tissue
in the center and give it a gentle fluff.

And GORGEOUS nest...
made especially for me by
Vicki of 2 Bags Full.
( were right!)

And just like a sweet bird would do...
tidbits added here and there...
tucked in just so.

Look at these sweet details!

It will live atop one of my
old iron urns so I can give it a
turn every so often to enjoy
all its beauty.

I will continue to study it, inside and out, top and bottom.  It appears to be knitted (or crocheted) then all the goodies added.  I am in awe of its creation and its creator. is more beautiful than I even thought it would be.  I will cherish it and your friendship for years to come!  Many thanks to you again.


I made mention of a vanity I happened across that I picked up for my granddaughter, Taylor's, 4th birthday.  I wish I had taken a BEFORE shot, but here is the finished product.  I delivered it today and am very pleased how much she loves it.

Taylor is truly a princess!!

Once a cream and rose (and worn) painted vanity,
it now wears Taylor's favorite purple.
(Lavender actually to play off the purple
walls in her room.)

I am pretty proud of this letter T.  I hand sketched it while
looking at my computer screen, cut it out,
traced it onto the vanity, then hand painted
it.  I am very pleased with the result.

So....what do you think?  Good stuff is worth the wait, I hope.  "Kindness is more than deeds.  It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch.  It is anything that lifts another person." (unknown)  Vicki....your kindness has lifted me.

Sending blessings to you all for a great rest of the week ahead.  I hope to talk to you again soon.