That is what I received today!! My special delivery from
Shari Replogle of Plays with Paper. I was thrilled to see the package on the table when I walked in from a very long and busy day. Look at these beauties...
What a sweet, sweet drawstring bag with an
even sweeter tag! |
Look what was inside! |
This is the flip side of the lovely neckace.
To me, it now became something that could
be worn year-round. |
But, I really love the Santa side too.
I can't wait to wear this tomorrow to work.
Thank you again, Shari, for sharing your beautiful work with me. Please see some more of her work in the Winter 2011
Belle Armoire Jewelry. I picked it up and am trying to make my way through it. LOTS to see and learn from this gem. Right now it is my "red light" magazine. Yes, I'm one of those who has to be beeped at so I will put my book down when the light turns green. Annoying, I know. Sorry.
I ran to one of my favorite local antique shops at lunch today to shop for a piece of pink depression glass for a co-worker whose name I drew. I didn't find the right piece for her, but I did find a sweet little bargain for me. I rarely see green transferware. This platter was marked only $10 "as is." I inspected it and didn't see any big chips or scratches so I was not sure why it said that. When I took it downstairs, the gentleman reminded me about that part. I said, "It looks good to me!" I did find a little chip under the edge tonight when I took another look, but I am really pleased. In my neck of the woods, bargains are pretty hard to come by. Take a look...
My table is covered with mail, wrapping paper,
Christmas cards. And, I think I see my reflection
in the plate. Nice. Isn't it a sweet find though?
I almost forgot to mention that it was "on sale"
for $8. SWEET! |
A little blurry, but I was pleased with the markings
on the underside. |
This is something I am unfamiliar with. A letter "P"
was pressed into the porcelain when it was wet.
Does anyone know the significance of that?
Very interesting... |
And finally, as it is getting late, and I'm in for another very long day tomorrow...I've been stealing moments to look at my new Barbra Streisand design book. I have one word for you....WOW! It has been written by her, and her alone. It is like she is sitting across the table from me and telling me all about her home. The majority of the pictures were taken by her as well. I'm not that far into it, but know I will continue finding special moments to read a few pages and examine the glorious pictures. For example, the first couple pages include a fold out panaramic picture of the front of her "elegant farmhouse" painted a deep red with white trim and black shutters. The next page unfolds to the entire back of the house....painted all white and looking like it belongs on Nantucket. Beautiful!!
I bid you all a good night and wish you sweet dreams.