Hello Faithful Followers....I have been remiss, I know. Please bear with me...or is it bare? It's too late for me to get the dictionary to check....you know what I mean though.
I am in love, love, love with the vintage Shasta camper. I....must....find....one.... Is it love or lust that keeps me searching? To me, lust gives way after a while, so it must be LOVE!! I love the vintageness (I may have just made up that word) of the light fixtures, the scalloped cabinets, the appliances.....and the WINGS!!! Must, must have those too.
I first fell in love when I saw them at the Country Living Fair and then hooked up with Sisters On the Fly. I recently read their book and it has just been a crazy search since then. I have found this one (above). It is a bit far away and a little pricey (for me anyway), but I think it may also be sold now. Although....my research tells me that for a lovey in this condition, the price is actually quite reasonable. Except for me, I must factor in travel costs...either for me to pick it up (in Missouri) or to have it delivered. Now it becomes a bit pricey.
So meanwhile I will lust after these blogs I have recently come across: Nora Pearl, Little Vintage Camper, The Vintage Housewife, Get Campie. They call it "glamping" you know. New term for me. That could also include tents (not your average tent, mind you), but it is the vintage camper that has stolen my heart. Every visit to Etsy has me searching for vintage mint green melamine to use (instead of my beloved jadeite which I think would not travel well). Every trip to the fabric store has me searching for the fabrics I would use to recover and remake (you know I must!) to make this little palace on wheels my own. I have it bad. I stay up late looking at sites like Tin Can Tourist and Amy's Vintage Trailers. I know she is out there for me....my Nest. She will be minty green and maybe the very softest butter yellow...almost vanilla. Vintage details will abound. I will change out light fixtures to these from Rejuvination (or similar...they have a great selection in my favorite green). How wonderful!! I can see it. Really.
I am on the hunt and will keep you posted! I would show you more pictures if I could figure out how to get on Pinterest!!! What is with that? It seems so easy. I have accepted my invite, but I guess I did not choose a sign-on or something. I can't log on. Anyone else have that problem??
I'll be back soon.....Maybe with camper in tow! Wouldn't that be grand????
Happy Hunting for Happy Trails......Carol
Interiors of a Storyteller
6 hours ago